Collateral Based Loan

Micro Entreprise Loan


CBBL members who have completed first loan cycle with good credit history

Loan Amount
  • Maximum loan disbursement limit after membership Nrs 7,00,000.
Repayment Period

Flexible repayment period from 12 to 84 months for members who are associated with CBBL

Special Service Business Development services provided through CBBL
Interest Rate: 15%
Service Charge1.5%

Collateral Entrepreneurship Development Loan


CBBL members who have completed first loan cycle with good credit history

Loan Amount
  • Maximum loan disbursement limit after membership Nrs 7,00,000.
Repayment Period

Flexible repayment period from 12 to 84 months

Interest Rate: 14.5%
Service Charge1.5%

Home Loan


Members who have completed two years’ period with the bank and completed first loan cycle.

Loan Amount
  • Maximum loan disbursement limit after 2 years of membership Nrs. 5,00,000
Repayment Period

Repayment period from 12 to 60 months

Interest Rate: 15%
Service Charge1.5%

Individual Loan


All active CBBL members

Loan Amount
  • Maximum loan disbursement limit after membership 7,00,000
Repayment Period

Flexible repayment period from 12 to 84 months

Interest Rate:15%

Service Charge1.5%